As I stare at the night sky, blank without the curtain of stars and the light of the moon, it was just an entrouping abyss sucking up all the light, as if it's draining the world from all the goodness.
But as I stared deeper, I realized that it is only cleansing the world from the darkness, the abyss of blackness showed me that there must be dark in order for light to fathom, for light to relieve the chaos of it. For without darkness - light is nothing, that the sentient force of the universe is not really light but darkness.
And as I stared into the blankness, and deeper and deeper my eyes filled with the never ending curtain, I started seeing the reflection of myself, a blank canvas, willing to be painted in any way possible and anyway passionate : in any style of art or literature whether it be Van Gogh or Da Vinci. It was a blank canvas : where I could be Micheal Angelo or Shakespeare. Where the universe muttered to me : why be everyone else when you have a million possibilities of being you!
But as I stared deeper, I realized that it is only cleansing the world from the darkness, the abyss of blackness showed me that there must be dark in order for light to fathom, for light to relieve the chaos of it. For without darkness - light is nothing, that the sentient force of the universe is not really light but darkness.
And as I stared into the blankness, and deeper and deeper my eyes filled with the never ending curtain, I started seeing the reflection of myself, a blank canvas, willing to be painted in any way possible and anyway passionate : in any style of art or literature whether it be Van Gogh or Da Vinci. It was a blank canvas : where I could be Micheal Angelo or Shakespeare. Where the universe muttered to me : why be everyone else when you have a million possibilities of being you!

What I took away from this is, that we strive so hard to mimic, or reflect the path of someone else, we forget that we are born a blank canvas that every line we draw in it is our choice, that every brush stroke and every color is our choice, and that blank space is and how we use it is what defines us as humans and as people part of the bigger picture, most of we leave this articulated temporal with our canvases 90% empty and foiled with the ruggage of someone else, but those who leave this world with canvases of glitter and glamour are those who we reverend. Those who paint their canvas on their own terms.